There are times when you just know, after the shutter has fired, that you just captured a pretty good photo. You were prepared and it came out nice, but...There might have been some distracting "this or thats", but who cares, you really like the photo! There are also times you hope and pray that what just happened got caught on film, and that the settings are right, but it ends up a "woulda, coulda, shoulda" photo that you keep anyway, just as a reminder to do things differently. And then there are times when everything comes together perfectly. The environment, the subject, the camera angle & the camera settings are all perfect. This photo represents the closest thing to perfect I can muster. I took this on Tuesday, not knowing what was about to transpire. The sky was filled with thin clouds, the sunlight was weak, but I went out anyway. As I drive along the gravel road, I whisper a gasp as I see that an eagle on a dead tree branch with nothing else but sky. He was just 50 feet away, and to top it all, I happened to be shooting vertically as it lifted off his snag in my direction as the sun brightened for just a few seconds. I was thrilled! Right place, right time! I couldn't wait to get home to review the images. I knew the settings were good. I played with them previously, as the eagle sat tight for at least a few minutes. What a great day it turned out to be!

I took liberty with the background to fancy it up, and liked the results. So, as far as personal best's go, this is mine.
Here is the original.

Tomorrow will include the rest of the series!
I would love to see all of my bloggy bud's "Best's". So if you would like to show your Personal Best, include the link in your comments, or start a new post and lets start a new meme! I challenge everyone to post their "Personal Best"! So...Richard, Chris, Shelley, Craig, In the Garden, Marsha, Barb, Rattlin Antler, Nick, Eve, Tina, Jalynn, Ruth, Helen, Michele, Melissa, Don & Sher! Will you do it?
Beautiful picture. Personal best picture...what a challenge. This is going to take me a lot of looking.
I'll do it but not over the week end. This is gonna be my first post on Monday. We are heading a bit north of the country to try to see the white-tailed eagles and other birds and landscape.
But wow, it is gonna be hard to do better than you!!! Gosh, this is a wonderful picture and you are both a photograph artist and a photoshop artist. I would have never been able to to do this nice border to it!!! So see you on Monday for this nice challenge! I love challenges!!!
What an absolute amazing shot - my personal best would be nowhere near this. I just love how each individual feather shows lift off and his facial features and claws. I guess I just love everything about this shot! Great job Hannibal!
I'll do this too but this weekend is so busy and I am already participating in another meme. I'll do it next week and come back with the link unless you set a "set date".
I call them National Geographic pictures. I can picture this one on the cover of NatGeo! I have a few like that too. This is a Red Tailed Hawk caught for banding at Kiptopeke on the Virginia East Shore.
That is truely perfection.Sometimes it's difficult to see my own personal best.
Wow just perfect Hannibal! I will look for something but I'm not sure what I have. Not sure if I've got that personal best...yet!
very nice touch on the first picture. Nothing drastic...just enough...I would not have thought to do that and wouldnt know give me inspiration.
Whoa! That is one awesome photo!
This photo of yours has blown me out of the water hannibal!! Beautiful photo - love how you captured this eagle in action!
I am headed out of town but I will post my personal best on Monday! This will be fun - can't wait to see the others!
Wow Hannibal, that is perfect!! I can't compete with a photo like that. You are in a league I'm not part of... :-)
All your photos are just incredible and I think they all are quite worthy of the decription "perfect" always amaze me with what you capture and your action shots are so good!!
I will look at what shots I have in my short library of birds...but you will always be one of those photographers at the top of my WOW!! list!!
AWESOME SHOT! I outta have you as my editor! Fabulous job
Amazing photos..I have just been perusing your blog..
Great captures! Wow!
did it! Check it out!
Absolutely incredible!
I don't think I've taken a personal best...I'll have to look back. The ones of mine that come closest are probably flowers.
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