So you see a giant fish hanging from a Great Blue Herons mouth as you are driving by. You gotta stop! Is this guy seriously gonna swallow this cat (I think it's a catfish)? He did! I missed that shot only because I was watching him for quite some time, struggling to properly prepare this fish for the gulp. He tried many different techniques but there was 1 problem. This catfish had been dead for some time. Rigermortous had set in, so the long stiff fish was being quite difficult for the GBH. He dipped the fish for lubrication many times, just to give up for a few minutes, then grab it again and start all over. This went on for a long time, and just as I had given up, he swallowed it. Doh!

A good fluffing after a belly buster of a meal!

Strike a pose!
It’s hard to believe that he can eat such a big fish, it’s like if we would eat a chicken all at once, in one bite.
That's a big fish! Love the second photo.
LOL, even I feel full after that one.
LOL, that a cool set of photo's! I wonder how long that meal will last him? That's a log of fish to digest!
Craig Glenn
Wow, he really needed to eat. Such a huge fish, incredible. Again one of this nature moment you captured really well. Good job.
Amazing stuff.These guys are determined to sallow their catch.
Wow, I guess you would say that was a mouthful! Great capture!
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