Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Short-eared Owls

Let me preface this post with stating that these shots are not up to my standards, but given the subject matter and the gas/time spent attempting these shots, I am posting them anyway.

I was so excited to shoot these guys on a trip I took this weekend. I went to Nashville for a concert and thought on my way back I could get some birding in. A new friend of mine gave me directions to such a rare bird of prey that fit into my schedule perfectly. I found the location and waited...

I waited for quite some time, circling the area until the show began...
And when I say the show began, I mean "WHOA!!!! They flew out from every direction!
As you see in these shots, plenty went wrong in all of about 10 minutes of showtime.

My aperture was off, my dial was misaligned to manual and I had the 2x on for closer shots. Everything that could go wrong, DID!

The owl even landed for a brief moment in which I found opportunity to whip off the 2x, shoot straight 300 and of course, the aperture was on 6.3. The shutter lagged so much that the exposure was 1/20th sec at twilight! I felt like Charlie Brown...

I managed a few shots at 1/400 with the 300mm before calling it quits with the light draining to impossible...

There was nothing I could do to fix it now, so enjoying the show with my own eyes not behind a few pieces of expensive glass was thrilling none-the-less.

Now that the night was here, all I have been able to think about was how it all went horribly wrong and what I am going to do right, next time...

1 comment:

  1. Been there - done that! LOL. You still managed some nice record shots. We've been seeing a lot of Snowy Owls around here this year. What a thrill to see them again. It's been a long time.
