Monday, December 19, 2011

Snowy Owl--Up Close and Personal!!

Click on any photo to see much larger!

As you might recall, I had my first 2011 encounter a few weeks ago with a Snowy in Chicago at the lakefront with some pretty good success. This time was different!

I found this guy in a farm field a few days ago, prior to this particular photoshoot, but the owl was really far away, but I knew I would be back! I came back the next day under gorgeous sunny skies...

I found him perched on a pole barn, so I thought maybe I would knock on the owners door to get permission to photograph him. They agreed. Yay me!

I was able to pull my car around and shoot from my window, and when he didn't flush with my disturbance from about 75 feet away, I decided to try to step out (slowly and without eye contact) and take my chances...

These last 2 are severely cropped but I wanted to show you the spider on its face. BONUS!!

I was very lucky that he tolerated my intrusion, so I didn't approach much closer. I was able to set up my tripod, put on my Canon EF 300mm f/2.8L IS with the Canon 2x teleconnector and shoot from the only angle I had at 600mm, but with the crop factor of 1.6x, I was shooting 960mm. I will always take what I can get, and sidelighting is way better than backlighting in this case! What a day to find such a rare sighting, and to shoot so close! It was one of those awesome days that come pretty few and far between! Days like this are why I spend so much time doing what I do!


  1. LOVE IT! We were north of town today, and spotted 4 Snowies. I hadn't seen one in several years, So I was pretty excited. I wasn't able to get really close, but I was using my EOS 40D with the 70-200mm f/2.8 lens with the Canon 2x Extender. Check my blog today for a look. I think yours is a female - my shot was of a male.

  2. Awesome! Never have seen one but hope to someday. The 2x does a great job on your 300; great sharpness.

  3. What a beautiful bird and great photos. I would love to have an encounter like this some day.

  4. Hello

    A really beautiful on a snowy ridge. I had never before had such a picture in front of the nose. Great succeeded.

    Love Anni-chan

  5. Wow gorgeous... Nice you got their yes to get pictures of it and nice it was still there... Gorgeous and I'm mad jealous ;-)
    Happy new year by the way ;-)
