Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Snowy Owl Poses

Found my favorite snowy again!(Click on any photo to make larger)

The inital image of this shot just looked drab, so I jazzed it up accentuating the wind turbines and rolling cornstubble fields...

On top of a silo, she checked me out with those gorgeous yellow eyes.

It was fun to watch this lady watch birds. This starling made a few passes before moving on...

I liked the fringy hair silhouetted here.


  1. That is a beautiful bird and beautiful pictures.

    Your check is in the mail.

  2. They are such a beautiful bird. We would have gone out scouting Snowies today, but the wind was blowing like a maniac, albeit it was 57 above! Crazy weather.

  3. Amazing pics.Thanks for sharing.....

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