Friday, April 2, 2010

Chicago Wood Ducks

I took a trip to Chicago yesterday to see if I could find some migrant ducks to add to my Life List. A place known as North Pond, which is just a leap over Lake Shore Drive on the north side, can be a great place, given that migrants need calmer waters to de-stress during their long journey. I went during mid-day, which was a mistake, and I know better, but I didn't have it in my schedule for any other time so it was what it was. I've never been there, but will definately be back! Although I found nothing to add to the list, I did find some very entertaining Wood Ducks to keep me happy! And if you have read my blog for any time at all, you will know that the Wood Duck has always gotten the better of me. I can never get close enough, but then there is never a "close enough"! Chicago was my lucky charm! I found these guys humanized to an extent and could approach them semi-easily! It was fantastic! A completely different Wood Duck World than what I am used to! I loved it!

Click on photos for large size!


  1. Stunning!!! It is hard to put into words just how beautiful these images are.Have a fabulous weekend.

  2. Such beautiful shots! Have a Happy Easter.

  3. That is one colorful duck I must say and the pictures are as usual awesome.

  4. Great shots!

    I think they are my favorite duck because of the fantastic coloration. I have never gotten this close to them.

  5. A whole series of "WOW" pictures. I'm like you, I can never get close enough.

  6. What a wonderful duck, probably one of the most beautiful duck of the world... I love this red-eye a lot! You got pretty nice close-up pictures there, congrats!

  7. Go figure, to get wildlife shot you had to go to the big city!

    Incredible wood duck shots, awesome detail!

  8. Such clarity and beauty in these photos of those elusive wood ducks!! I am having severe wood duck envy right now! As soon as I start walking down my dock - they fly away instantly! Wonderful Hannibal!!

  9. Stunning series of close ups Hannibal. So glad you got the opportunity as I understand this is a difficult species to get close to in its natural habitat.

  10. Oh Hannibal, how I enjoyed seeing this post! What amazing photos of these ducks! Color gone wild is what I think of when I see one! Such gorgeous close ups! I'm sooo jealous but so happy you caught these guys (and gal) when you did!!

  11. I was chuckling to myself Hannibal because I remember how you had to crawl through the muck to get pictures before!! It was still worth it!!

  12. Really nice photo of the cardinal. Also, great point about appreciating areas of land that have been preserved.
