Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Flight Shots

It was a pretty windy day at Goose Lake Prairie yesterday, so I didn't expect to find much, but what I did find were a few species in the air. I found Killdeer, Tree Swallows and a Snipe!

I call these guys "Flying Orca's". Is it just me or do they look like a mini Killer Whale?

Common Snipe


  1. Hi,
    This is a nice series of flying shot. The tree swallows are one of my favorite birds in your areas. They are so colorful compare to our swallows in Europe that are just dark... Beautiful pictures. have a nice week-end.

  2. Sometimes its not the number of of species but the photo ops that count.Love,love,love these flight shots.

  3. Amazing flight shots - well done! Love the blue on those Swallows. So pretty.

  4. Wow! Catching any bird on the wing is difficult enough to the capture swallows, Wow!

    Sorry about the goose mess but I simply had to share it :)

  5. Fantastic flight photographs and beautiful birds. I always enjoy stopping by your site for wildlife photos.
    Happy Easter, Brad

  6. Outstanding flight shots,amazing stuff.

  7. What a great sequence of flying shots...killdeer have such a striking colors when one gets a glimpse of them flying..not easy to do, but you always catch such nice shots!!

  8. Those are shots to be proud of. I need to work on getting more flight shots.

  9. sweet flight shots! What's your set up like these days? How in the world you got a swallow in flight is crazy! and awesome!
