Thursday, April 8, 2010

Snipe Drumming

Shooting the camera between raindrops yesterday, the sky was filled with the sounds of Snipe. I sat in the parking lot at Goose Lake Prairie as the rain gently came in and the Snipe took to the air for their aerial display. During breeding season, they first fly up high and then plunge downward vibrating their outer tail feathers (As seen in the photos) to produce a curious whirring sound called drumming.

Note: Although the photography isn't of good quality, I couldn't put the camera down, as I was addicted to the moment. I saw at least a dozen performing and lots of chasing. I also heard a Wilson's Snipe, but couldn't find it.


  1. It looks like you had a good time with the snipe. I have only photographed one and that was back in my film days. The turkeys are really active here and about all I am getting done is photographing them.

  2. Hi,
    I hope I will see that soon around here. They are just starting to come back now, so I guess I'll have to wait a bit. Sumptuous post you got and superb pictures!

  3. Wonderful shots. You must have had fun catching them in flight!

  4. I would love to see these birds "in action"... I have seen them, also but only zooming from one dense thicket of grass to another! lucky you!!

  5. What an amazing capture.I think I can see the smile on your face as you were shooting. :-)

  6. With their wings angled like that while flying, they remind me of jet planes! Nice photos!!

  7. It is not always about quality. I mentioned in a post this week that I do it because I just love watching and spending time with wildlife. Photographing it is just a bonus and if I get a good shot that is great but the experience is what is most important to me. Of course I am not in it for the money or maybe I would feel differently.

    I have never photographed snipes, but as a boy scout I took new scouts out hunting snipes late at night with a bag. That was always a fun time, especially when they arrived back at camp hours later with us sitting around the fire laughing.

  8. GREAT photos!! You make me jealous Hannibal. Would have loved to have been there with you.
