Wednesday, February 3, 2010

One Last Look at Costa Rica

This is my last post about Costa Rica...

This overlook was one of the hidden views most people never see unless you were a local. The path was barely used and trecherous, but worth it...

This photo was taken with a Blackberry camera phone. A bamboo tunnel greets you as you enter the resort...

Within the confines of the resort, here is the paver road leading to a restaurant and the bungalows we stayed in. What is nice about this resort is that they leave the jungle intact as much as possible.

A walkway

Here is where the restaurant tries to keep the monkeys and Coati Mundis at bay, by setting up a feeding station, offering fruits for them in the tray pictured here. Every morning after breakfast, we would visit this area and enjoy the show. (See the monkey on the roof and the coati in the foreground)

Here is a very large Angel Trumpet flower.


  1. The Coati is cute. Reminds me of one of my cats, she has a very long tail too.

    Beautiful Angel Trumpet.

  2. Nice photos! What a nice place to visit.

  3. I have to ask.. did the angel trumpets have a divine scent? I have grown some that are just to die for, can't keep my nose out of them. I sure hate to see the end of CR. Loved this seriers..

  4. Hannibal,
    I just spent the last 25 minutes reading all your costa rica posts! Wonderful just wonderful! What a trip! Even your phone pictures turned out so nice. I would love to visit this area some looks like you had wonderful weather and you certainly met some adorable creatures!
    Been on the road since the 12th of Jan..didn't take my laptop..needed a break.
    So glad you took this adventure, what a nice break from this cold weather. Excellent posts!

  5. This is a place of beauty.Love the Bamboo tunnel.
