Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wolf Moon

I forgot I had taken this until now...Too busy with Costa Rica pics I guess...

Anyway: Full Wolf Moon - January amid the cold and deep snows of midwinter, the wolf packs howled hungrily outside Indian villages. Thus, the name for January's full Moon. Sometimes it was also referred to as the Old Moon, or the Moon After Yule.

(click for larger view)


  1. I thought MY wolf moon photo ( was pretty darn good till I saw this. It's incredible!
    This Wolf Moon is also the biggest full moon of the year because ~perigree~ is coinciding with a full moon so this moon was 14%wider and 30% brighter than average - or something like that... Fox News had an interesting article on it.

    That really is a once-in-a-lifetime shot. seem to get a lot of those! :)

  2. Oh wow... it is simply majestic! Good job, it is one of the most beautiful moon picture I've ever seen!

  3. You did really good on this one Hannibal and I mean that is a spectular way!!!

  4. Cool shot, Very special. Your description adds to the strong atmosphere.

  5. How DO you manage to be in just right place at the just the right get these shots. My friend told me about that 'wolf' moon but I was too tired to go out and take the picture... I sure liked your photo though.

  6. O-M-G...that photo is amazing...truly amazing. I assume you used the teleconnector?! ;)

  7. @ Jalynn: The timing turned out well, but I happened to go searching for the ducks, found them and just held down the shutter & rapid-fired!

    @ CD: Thank you! No teleconnector tho...300mm.

    @ Everyone: Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. I really liked the photo too, but you never know how others react!

  8. Magnificent and perfectly charming photo. One of my favorite moon shots! Arrived via my friend, TSAnnie.

  9. An absolutely awesome photo. This is one of my favorite types of photo.

    I also have really enjoyed all of the series on Costa Rica.

  10. Wow.. incredibly gorgeous. TSannie sent me :)

  11. Excellent composition Hannibal, from the ring around the moon it looks like a storm was on the way.

  12. Wonderful photo! It's a special challange to take moon shots, and to get the geese is an added bonus. My hat is off to you!
