Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Let's All Go To The Beach!

I didn't want to carry an expensive camera to the beach, so I left all of my scenic shots to my lil ole iPhone. I didn't know how well it would perform, but I took the gamble anyway, and for the most part, it did o.k. The photos are 3 mg, and I did have plenty of blowout, but I am not complaining. My camera was safe, and that was all that mattered.

Playa Blanca Beach

Turtle tracks- How frickin cool is that? I wanted to come back at night to see the lil guys make their way to the water, but without a flashlight, it would have been quite difficult.

This area was our little piece of paradise at the beach. You know how beaches get soooo crowded? This one isn't and we had probably 75 feet of beachfront to ourselves!

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