Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Squirrel One, Barred None!

O.K., I know I promised more droptine shots, but yesterday was too exciting not to post about. I've been posting lots of bucks, so this interruption should break up the monotony a bit...

I ran across a welcome sight as I headed home after work yesterday. I know this Barred Owl to roost at this particular branch on occasion. I check the branch every day, as I go past. It seems, that he doesn't roost there when leaves are on the trees, and I haven't seen him since last spring, before the foliage leafed out. Today... was a different day!

So there he is...Sleeping! Makes a great photo, so I snap some...

He peaks thru his slitted eyes to see me...

He gives me his full attention...

Until he hears something...

OMG, that squirrel isn't seriously climbing this tree...

He must have a deathwish!

I can't believe my eyes, but I wonder why the owl does nothing...

Does the squirrel not see him? Is the owl not hungry? Why isn't the fur flying? I was prepared for anything. I cranked up the ISO, just waiting for the battle to ensue...

It never did...

He left unscathed, but really...Are you freekin nutz, Squirrel?


  1. First I want to say I never get tired of your 'buck' shots. They are just so gorgeous! And the only thing I can think of here, is: maybe the squirrel knew the owl already had breakfast and was napping a little afterwards? I loved the drama and the pictures were to die for. A wonderful story and pictures to go with it! Keep going out there and letting us share in your wealth of wildlife... I'm sure not getting out lately.

  2. HI,
    How can one get tired of your buck shots??? They are awesome shots and it is so nice of you to share them with us!!
    And then this message... it is the most funniest ever I've seen... It looks like this squirrel probably bet with his friends that he will do it, he will tease this owl and come back alive!! Gosh, the worse is that he did it! That's just incredible, but remember, humans are the only one to kill for pleasure. The animals are not doing that... Only when food is needed. So I guess although the owl was sleeping, he was just doing a siesta after breakfast and was not hungry :-)
    That's a magnificent set of pictures!

  3. What incredible photos! Right place at the right time is just wonderful!

  4. I've had exactly the same experience with a Great-horned owl and a squirrel. Their actions were identical to your critters, and my astonishment was the same as well. Maybe the squirrels know something about owls that we don't! Superb photos - thanks for sharing.

  5. Excellent set of shots! Great story...glad the little guy didn't get eaten :)

  6. As the kids would say,that is way cool.

  7. HOW DO YOU FIND these situations?? First the sq and the hawk..and now this! Unbelievable is all I can say!
    Your account of the whole scene was great..I have to say I was a little disappointed that owl wasn't hungrey!! boo tina!! Whoooo said that!! ;-)

  8. that's so great you got both of them in the picture - perfect timing!

  9. This behavior does not surprise me. Squirrels are notorious thrill seekers. This critter just decided to temp fate with an owl instead of a car. Just kidding....wonderful photos

  10. I agree it is to exciting not to post. What a great encounter, one I have been hoping for but not had the luck. Maybe I am not working hard enough.
