Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wishbone Droptine

Here are more images of the Droptine Buck over the past weekend:

I was really lucky, not only to see this massive guy, but to photograph him pretty close! (He was much closer as you will see in the later photos!)

He posed quite a bit, but the tall prairie grasses were being difficult...

The morning sun cast a golden glow...

And was a bit harsh for squinty-eyes...

These next photos are of when he was at his closest. A wee bit too close for comfort, he thought he should put some distance between us before he would turn around again...

The best shot was posted earlier, showing off his handsome face...

My scent was surely not too appealing, as he walked off in search of a good one...


  1. Well again, the light is wonderful and these are splendid shots. I love them all for many reasons! At least we can see you did not disturb him at all, and he was quite happy to behave!! Gorgeous.

  2. Didn't know what a drop tine deer was - now I do! Spectacular!

  3. Now that is an interesting part of a pair of antlers. Don't think I have ever seen that.

  4. This is one amazing animal and what great luck you had capturing him is this amazing light.
