Monday, November 30, 2009

Droptine Drama!

I didn't expect much this weekend, as the rut is winding down, but to my surprise, I found plenty of activity, with bucks big and small roaming the area looking for love. A first for me was the highlight, adding a droptine buck to my portfolio. As most enthusiasts know, droptine bucks are rare, and a prize by any standards. I have been photographing bucks for only 8 years now, but the prize has always been a droptine. It finally happened this weekend, and not only did I find one, I found 2! How lucky am I? Here's the first:

I have known about this guy for awhile now, as my friend Rattlin Antler discovered him about 2 months ago. It took me a long while to ever see him, but this weekend finally paid off!
I call this one "Wishbone" for obvious reasons...

The other droptine was actually my true first, as I saw him on Friday. He kept quite a distance, but discovering that dangler was the thrill we all are addicted to...

His buddy and him were chasing a doe, which is the only reason I saw them. They were at a full-on run as I was rounding a corner out of sight. I turned the car around, and found them resting at the treeline. I couldn't even tell they were bucks at that distance, (...but knew they had to be by their behavior) until I used the binoculars and gasped at my 1st droptine!

Tomorrow: Plenty of close-ups of Wishbone! Also to come...More Big Bucks!


  1. Hi,
    Congrats for this nice encounter and congrats again for the pictures. They are awesome! Something I'll not see around here for sure, and it is so nice you are sharing these nice shots with us! Beautiful! I'm asking for more ;-)

  2. That is an awesome drop tine. Excellant pictures as usual.

  3. ohh, I bet you are making some buck hunters drool at these photos..I don't think I have ever seen a droptine antler before..pretty neat!

  4. Congrats and lucky you. What a beautiful deer and great photos. I am looking forward to more whitetail post.
