Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Coopers Hawk

Coopers Hawk, originally uploaded by peghan01.

An unusually cooperative Coopers Hawk fell prey to my lens with pleasing sunlight and shadows. Now, if only it was eating something delicious...

Interesting note: Quality Control: The 1st photo was uploaded thru Flickr and these last 2 photos were uploaded from Blogger. Can you see a difference in color and sharpness? I sure do!


  1. Great shots Hannibal! You take fantastic photos! As for the flickr photo, I can't see it (it's blocked at work) so I'll have to come back to check it out once I'm home. :)

  2. I don't know how you do it other than probably having a very good zoom lense but those pictures are really nice.

  3. Very nice photos! He's such a sharp-eyed beautiful bird.

  4. Very lovely shots,as for the difference,the Flickr one has more saturated colors.

  5. They let me get close sometimes, but everytime I start to bring up the camera they fly just like the belted king fisher. I will keep trying.

    These are fantastic shots, kudos, Brad.

  6. Fantastic Hannibal! What luck to get one to sit! I was looking out my window at the little birds yesterday when, most likely, a Sharp-shinned swooped in but missed. I had about 3 seconds for my brain to record what had just happened! It was SO fast!
