Thursday, December 31, 2009

Emmi: My Boxer Pup

A Headshot...

Catching Snowflakes...

Getting her groove on...

Insanity ensues...

Gobble, gobble, gobble...

Happy New Year!


  1. What a beautiful dog - I once had a boxer called Emmie, she was just as insane as your
    Happy New Year

  2. What fun in the snow! You caught every snow flake of it... haha
    The hawk in the previous post is awesome no matter how you uploaded it.. the eye and detail so clear... Happy New Year to you!

  3. Hannibal,
    I'm so glad you posted some pics of Emmi..I haven't seen her since you got her..Wow, did she grow..and what a cutie she is..insanity ensues, huh?? I was sharing the craziness of one of our dogs with a good friend and he said, Tina, your pets do reflect the environment they grew up in...gulp!!lol!! Great post and some nice photos of Emmi as she enjoyed the snow.. Keepers for sure! ;-)

  4. Oh my she is SO Boxer!! Love her Hannibal! Great shots!

  5. Hi,
    At least she loves the snow!! Did you enjoy it as much as she did?? ;-)

  6. What can I say? I love all of the photographs you have posted since my last visit. From the photos of your dog, through the hawk and the buck-all are stunning.

    Some of the bucks here are losing their antlers now. The small eight-point shed his right antler on the 29th and the left was gone when he came in on New Years morning.

  7. O what a cute pup!! You must have a ball with him/her :D What a sweetheart :)
