Monday, December 28, 2009

Winter Moon

Winter Moon, originally uploaded by peghan01.

Hearing a large flock of geese overhead and taking a peek at how large the flock was, I noticed they would fly right past the moon hanging quite high in the sky with the sun almost setting. Luckily, I brought up the lens, focused on the moon and clicked just as the geese flew past.


  1. This is wonderful! Such a beautiful Moon and the geese flying past . . . Terrific work.

  2. If I didn't know you so well I would swear that was photoshoped. You always take the most amazing photo's.

    Great shot,


  3. That is a beautiful picture and I can remember seeing similar views from a treestand.

  4. excellent!! this is SUCH a cool photo!

  5. As someone else said 'you take the coolest pictures'.. so glad you got this one. I love it. Your 10 point buck and the one below that is also very nice, especially with the snow...

  6. What a beautiful photo, maybe one of my favorites of yours. I like the 10 point buck also that is a great rack.

  7. This has got to be one of the most amazing pictures I've ever seen. Amazing moment.

  8. What an eye you have..and always where you need to be at the right time!! A very nice capture..looks like a pic from Nat'l Geo Mag!! Nice job, Hannibal!!

  9. This is truely a winner Hannibal! Wow!

  10. I forgot to mention this one in the other comment, but it is outstanding as well. I especially like how you incorporated the moon in this shot!
