Monday, October 12, 2009


I found this buck hiding behind a goldenrod frond. I had this conversation with him, but I don't think he heard me: "Seriously Buck? Do you think I can't see you? Really? Hel-lo! I-see-you! I'm taking your picture now!" I found it quite amusing, but also frustrating, because there was barely a whisper of wind, which I needed to sway the flower past his eye for a decent photo. I put my car in reverse to inch back, but the buck heard that and bolted. Doh! Oh well, I had to shoot with low light so the quality suffered anyway...But it was worth the giggle and was something to blog about!


  1. Hi,
    it is not hidden that much, because you got him! And you got him well... Awesome shot, I love the way he is watching you, and i guess you got a rush of adrenaline taking this shot! :-)

  2. I guess when you have a look like this one does,you can stand anywhere you want.LOL it is still a great picture.

  3. I liked this buck no matter how you got him! I wish I could see some here... hunting season for bow has started so no deer to be found anywhere I go. Nice shot..

  4. I wish we had ones that big here! It is possible to see one that big or at least close to it in Shenandoah National Park, but it is quite rare.

    It is frustrating when something like that gets in the way of the perfect shot, but I still like the photo.

  5. I can't believe the size of that rack and would be very proud of this shot.

  6. You do have a knack for finding bucks that are sporting some great antlers!! How many points I count on this one..12? Well worth the shot..;-)
