Saturday, October 3, 2009

Coot Scootin Boogie

Trying to get some shots of pelicans on the water, I approached the waters edge and scared off these coots. They scared me too, as I didn't see them until they flushed. I found this photo particularly funny, reminding me of the classic cartoon with Roadrunner being chased by Wiley Coyote.


  1. Love the title!!! Great song and great photo to go with it!!!
    This made me laugh!

  2. Hannibal, I love this shot. Great work with the camera! Nothing like being able to run on water. Cute caption too.

  3. That's wonderful - title and photo.

  4. I have really enjoyed catching up on your blog since my return from elk country.

    I know what you mean about subjects being difficult to find at certain times of year, but you have come up with a good variety. I like this shot and the butterflies and asters are also wonderful.

    I was pleased to see the photo of the impressive buck. I had to use high ISO settings in the elk photography too at times.

  5. Hi,
    This is a lovely shot! I love it and yes it also remind me of the roadrunner and the coyote. Well done, for somebody who was surprised, the shot is really good.

  6. As a surpridrd quick snap you captured the action so well@ Fun shot!

  7. How cool is that?!?

    Awesome shot and setup!

    I put the link out on twitter. Great post Hannibal

    Craig Glenn

  8. Perfect title for a funny shot! I love the water marks they leave as they run across! Great photo!
