Monday, October 12, 2009

Reflection of a Hint of Autumn

Driving by a favorite spot, I often see and expect plenty of the same ole-same ole. But...with this common scene, a splash of new and different colors caught my eye on this calm morning. A gang of Rough-winged Swallows who's common watering hole bar is this multi-level snag, gave way to a multi-color background that battles for my attention as I compose the shot. Is this a decent shot? Or is the busy too busy? You be the judge...Click for the detail, as usual, Blogger is a bit fuzzy!


  1. It sure is hard to find things to photograph here too! But I love the birds lined up on the branch and the 'hint' of orange and autumn in the background.

  2. That is a very unusual shot and I have to agree that it both the background and the birds demands one's attention, still I find that I like the photo and would be glad to have it in my collection.

  3. I think I saw you the other day taking this shot! I was jealous because someone got there before me! But, since it was you it is Okay you did a remarkable job capturing it. Perfect exposure!

  4. This is indeed a great family shot... i love this kind of shots, cause it shows how many they can be in some places. Well done.

  5. I think it's a good busy Hannibal. At first I didn't realize it was a reflection. It would have been interesting if you had been able to get their reflection in there. Maybe would have made me dizzy though!

  6. I love it..this isn't a normal scene I would come across..I'm lucky if I see one bird sitting on a branch let alone a flock of them. Neat capture, Hannibal, a very interesting "busy"!!

  7. Those swallows all look so cozy. I really like the one in flight, cool :)

  8. I love that pic of the Swallows :-)

    It was great catching up with your blog Hannibal !
