Thursday, July 16, 2009

Turkey Babies!

Another post about turkeys, since I can't find much else lately...

Still quite exciting, I found a bunch of baby turkeys with location advice from Rattlin Antler

I was pretty lucky, because this lil one was too curious to duck into the brush for cover. I'm sure his mom was none too happy either...

On a sunrise shoot the next day, I found them again, and just like my last post, they were on the wrong side photographically, but backlighting can be interesting.


  1. Wow, that's quite a brood! Nice pics. Thank you for your comment on my blog re: the Kingbird. It's actually a Western Kingbird. We don't get the Tropical Kingbirds over here. But isn't he pretty? The photo of the grasshopper in mid-air was purely accidental. It was all happening pretty fast, and I was just snapping away!

  2. I love that first photograph.

    For some reason I have no trouble photographing turkeys at any time of year except when the young are that size. I have no good still shots of one at that stage, so I have to keep trying.

    Maybe you posting this one will make my luck change.

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.

  3. What a cutie and I LOVE that backlit puts you right there in the field with them! What a group!

  4. Bravo Hannibal! Great captures. I was so excited today on my lunch walk. got shots of a grasshopper, spider, little blue heron, great blue heron, two black ducks (my first) and a hawk. They all turned out like crap! I may post the Black Ducks anyway since they are my first.


  5. Sometimes what looks wrong can turn out so right.That last picture is gorgeous.

  6. Jeeze, what a crowd Mama has following her!! I've never seen a baby turkey before..they sure are cute and then they grow up!!
    I'm still in awe of how big her brood is!! That last picture says a lot..ouch, move over, he stepped on me, nahah..yaha..i'll tell mom!! lol
    Great capture, Hannibal!

  7. My goodness, what a cute little baby!
