Friday, July 17, 2009

Bandit Baby

It must be my week for finding babies (more to come). This lil guy had 2 other siblings who were much more shy than him. They foraged around the forest edge as I went by at 2 different times, nevering seeing mom around. I wonder if they might just be orphaned. I will go by tonight to check on them, and hopefully find mom.


  1. awww such a cute baby, but these guys can do some damage on the home front. I know I have a couple coming to my deck at night. They are washing 'stuff' in the dog water bowl and this morning one of my favorite feeders is gone. Yep, gone! no where in sight. Your turkey babies are cute too. I like the backlit picture with them following mama.

  2. How sweet of you to go check up on them to make sure they're ok :) I really hope mom is around. I've never seen a racoon during the day (minus at the zoo)
    Great picture, as per usual ;)

  3. How cute is he? Very Cute. Nice photo.

  4. Perfect broad nice! He is quite a cute one..I sure hope you find Mom is somewhere close by!

  5. Very sweet Hannibal. But they steal my bird feeders at night!! Bandits they are!
