Tuesday, July 14, 2009


The Wild Turkey was a very important food animal to Native Americans, but it was eliminated from much of its range by the early 1900s. Introduction programs have successfully established it in most of its original range, and even into areas where it never occurred before.

A flock of 7 hens just happened to be crossing a country road when I spotted them. I quickly scanned the group for babies but saw none. Being on the wrong side of them for photographic purposes, I found their brightly lit red necks interesting and took some shots, highlighting plenty of features I wouldn't call attractive.


  1. I'm baaacckkk! This is a great shot of the turkey. I really like the effect of the back lighting. Nice one!

  2. Yea you got me with that title!! lol but maybe if you were a Tom you would definitely find these hens interesting and eye appealing!! or maybe not..

  3. I used to get 50 or more sometimes during the winter up north Hannibal. Haven't seen any here yet but I'm sure I will. Great sunlight shots!

  4. Tom thinks there cute, Each to his own.

  5. Aw, turkeys are so funny looking lol. I love how bright its throat is in the picture. Gotta love that little 'horn' too... lol :P
