While observing some swallows on some barbed wire in the country, something weird caught my eye. I see a mouse running across the road ahead of my car, but the shape of it was strange. I asked Cuttidad to check it out, as it came into her view. She couldn't get a good look, but said that it was headed back in my direction, so I jumped out of the car and shot a few frames. I tell her that "he" is dragging 2 babies. She found that puzzling. I said that "he" was having babies and was dragging them around. She got it then, and used my words against me later. Upon further inspection of the photos, it was determined that "she" was a vole. It was really weird to see. It seemed to be trying to run away from it's attachments in a panic. Who knows why it did what it did? First time parent? I would like to say that I hope the kids are o.k., but then I am talking about vermin, so do I hope that? Not really, but they were babies, so yes...but no...

That's too weird for me! The wonderment of nature.
O my, how strange! I had to look up what a vole was in french, I had never heard of it in english (french is my first language). Interesting for sure!
Wow! I've never even heard of a vole. Amazing photo though.
Wow. what a thing to see ! Voles are pretty low down in the food chain, being food for many raptors and also, bigger animals like Foxes, Badger's and Coyote's.
They have a charm about them, and I hope the babies survived.
Just when you think all things are normal...up pops a critter dropping babies in the road!!!
Well...that is just odd....
But I am compelled to hope that the little ones made it through the ordeal as well.
That is strange but how very cool to catch it in your lens. I love it!
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