Showing posts with label red-bellied woodpecker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label red-bellied woodpecker. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sharing Resources

Spending time in another direction at a different state park than normal, looking for newcomers, a Red-belly and then a Cedar Waxwing eating berries high up in a tree was about all I could find.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

More Backyard Birds

Another first to my backyard this year is the Rose-breasted Grosbeak. I was thrilled when I first caught a glimpse of him on my platform feeder. My camera was in my car, so I waited for it to leave to go retrieve it and bring it in. When I got back, and waited a few more minutes, I got another gift of 2 male grosbeaks at that feeder. I grabbed the camera, cracked open the sliding glass door, and they were gone. After a little while longer, they were back with their ladyfriend, but I couldn't get that shot either. What I did get, was a photo of 1 of the Grosbeaks at my feeder near my kitchen window. This was taken thru the glass.

I was so thrilled with the last shot, who'd a thunk I would get a grosbeak and an oriole at the same time? My luck was on...

I have been putting out fresh orange halves daily, because they pluck it completely clean by the end of the day.

The female is a bit more timid, but I managed a few shots.

The Grosbeak couple came back to feed, and luckily I was able to sneek out the door for some crappy shots.

She landed on a tree and made a weird face...

And finally, something is interested in my suet feeder. I don't know why, but I don't have luck with suet, although Mr. Red Belly seems to like it.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Red-bellied Woodpeckers

This series of shots was basically a burst in sequence to the action of these Red-bellies.

I won't bore you with a story, because it happened so fast, there really wasn't one. I just feel fortunate enough to see the action. Yet again, it all took place in the exact same spot as the previous posts of the blue jay, red headed, wood ducks, and flicker, etc...