Monday, June 15, 2009


The usual hotspot for newly arriving Dickcissels has not produced in the past week or so, so I gave another locale a try, and boy did I see them! You heard them everywhere you went, and some of them chose to have their picture taken!

I'm sure you will all agree that these are strikingly handsome birds!

Most had alot to say...

And others just showed off!


  1. Great looking bird! I hope to see on of those myself someday.

    I love your ability to use all those fancy camera features. The focal point thingy is really cool.

    Craig Glenn

  2. They are indeed great looking! Amazing shots!!!

  3. Nice shots! I've only seen this bird once and that was in Central Park last year of all places.

  4. Extraordinary beautiful shots!! Looks like he was serenading you!!

  5. Beautiful photos.we have only once seen one these birds.

  6. Hi
    Woow my!! These are magnificent shot. I love the background contrast with the bird. You were at a perfect spot! And the bird attitude is perfect.. Simply beautiful.

  7. Well, I don't think you could have gotten any better captures of this bird!! You did an amazing job!
    He sure looks like a small Meadowlark to me!! ha ha that's what you get from a beginning birder!! I had to look him up in my field guide.. I never heard of him b/f :( dah!
    Wonderful cystal clear pictures of a neat bird!!

  8. This is a little beauty. I have never seen one. Wonderful shots.

  9. They are so vocal, I have enjoyed driving out to Midewin and seeing & hearing them sing. You captured some fantastic shots!

  10. This bird Is high on my wants list. Congrats. Lovely shots !

  11. Wow you are really putting that new lens to work Hannibal! Wow beautiful shots!! Very funny too!

  12. I've never seen one of these and what fun it was to see him here. Now I am so curious as to the song he is singing I'm heading over to the cornell sight to listen in ;)

    You find the best birding shots - I just love coming to visit!
