Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Belted Kingfisher

A close encounter with this Kingfisher was a complete surprise as I was a little shocked to find it fishing a small ditch. I drove past him, gasped, turned around, waited for traffic to clear, and then approached. He was a great model! (I blew out the whites a bit, forgetting to clear my settings from the previous shoot...Doh!)

The kingfisher species is one of only a few, where the female is more brightly colored than the male.


  1. Hannibal,
    You are really getting some fantastic shots..I can't tell you how many times I have tried to keep up with the flitting kingfisher to get a decent photo..and never reached my goal. This is top quality..glad you stopped and turned around!!
    A winning combination for sure..the new camera and that great artistic eye of yours!!

  2. Hi Hannibal,
    Wow this shot is fantastic. The attitude and the bird are very beautiful, and the shot well done. I love it!!

  3. That new camera of yours is certainly working well!

  4. Go ahead and keep taunting me with great pictures of my nemesis birds.

  5. Thanks everyone! I am quite impressed with the lens, and am thrilled with the first few outings with my shiny new baby. Birdgirl is correct, it is a Canon 300mm L f/2.8 IS prime. Thanks again for all of your very supportive comments!

  6. You have a great photo here.A unique place for a Kingfisher to sit.

  7. I have tried for a long time to get a closeup of one of these guys, This is fantastic.

  8. It feels so good to finally get a bird like this close up and in detail. You did it and he is beautiful there on the barbed wire! Great eye, great shot and great bird.

  9. Wow lucky you ! They usually fly straight away ! He turned out very nice.

  10. Best shot I've ever seen of the Kingfisher!! Looks like he's smiling at you too!! :-)

  11. You can really hear them too Hannibal! This is wonderful!

  12. I too am so happy you turned around - what a beauty he is!
