Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Northern Mockingbird

I haven't seen a Mockingbird in about 3 years, so this discovery has been a long time coming, and it was not camera-shy thankfully.

After spending about 5 minutes watching it fly from one sentry post to the next, and listening to it's vast collection of mocks, I discovered it was feeding some young in a viny snag atop of some chain-link fencing. (I'm sure one of you guys know what type of wild vines they are.)

I stayed for quite a bit, attempting some flight shots, but the angle of my car was all wrong, so I left with plenty of blurry ones. I was also trying to get some feeding shots, but the lil bugger kept disappearing under the vines too quick for clicks. Pretty cool none-the-less.


  1. You can see the mulberry stains on its chest in the open-mouth photo! The dramatic improvement of this lens' clarity is so clear...literally. I can't wait to see more!

  2. Nice job Hannibal! There's nothing like a good mockingbird!!
    An "everyday" bird for me here, you should have seen them work together to trick the cardinals out of their berries!

  3. Both of these are super sharp and so well captured. The second one is a fantastic action shot.

  4. He is a handsome fellow and the shots are amazing!

  5. Great shots!! In that first photo - his feet look like barbed wire!!

  6. Amazing shots of a very photogenic bird. His eye is especially beautiful and you captured his tongue all the way out!! Your new lens is fantastic with detail and clarity.

  7. That is VERY cool. They are a beautiful bird. I have never seen one.

  8. hi,
    Well I guess the first shot would have been enough for me... It is perfect... Sometime we are asking to much to ourself, I mean I know that for me at least ;-) I love the first shot a lot...

  9. Fantastic photos.The last one makes me think you were being yelled at.:)

  10. Wonderful images, but the kingfisher in the last post is amazing.

  11. I always find that these birds are quite willing to pose and usually have a pretty pleasant look about them..but you really got her when she was giving you a piece of her mind!!..look at that eye!! Great shot! I love when you catch birds and animals doing something or with a look on their face, that we humans can interpret! lol Neat!
