Thursday, June 11, 2009

Test Shots

For years and years, I have been wanting that dream lens...
You know the one...
You have one too...

Well, I finally broke down and bought something I cannot justify, but you only live once right? I bought a Canon 300mm f/2.8L IS Lens. I also bought the 2x teleconverter. It's a passion, what can I say...

Anyway, it arrived yesterday, so as the UPS truck was pulling away, I yanked open the box, connected the lens and burned out of the driveway.

I just needed to shoot this bad boy to see what it could do...

I found this Egret catching a Mudpuppy! Although he would not turn around, I loved the detail of his rump with the breeding plumes blowing.

I found this bumble bee throwing pollen on his back! (These blogger shots do no justice...Click for detail!)

and I caught this Killdeer landing.

Am I happy with my purchase? Almost completely! The downside is it is quite heavy. I can still hand hold the setup but it gets tiring pretty quickly. I guess I am in for a workout, but I welcome the pain!


  1. Very nice photos. An option that could be used is a mono pod, lightweight yet not to awkward. I believe Ivars uses one.


    I have a monopod but prefer to handhold. Long hikes will require it though!

  3. Boy Hannibal, I wish my final shots could compare to your test shots!!! Very nice.

    Craig Glenn

  4. Hi,
    Congrats!!! Poeple tend to say that this is one of the best lens, but yes it is heavy. Despite the price, this is alos why I did not get to it, too heavy for long walks... I'm eager to see your next photo with this nice set-up!!

  5. What incredible photography! I can't decide which I like best. You're good!

    That last photo is really over the top.

  6. Awesome! I'll be seeing you out all the time now! I wish the blog shots would show the true quality of these images! You'll be forever retracing every bird and animal to "Step-up" the quality of previous captures. What a great start to this new lens!

  7. Way to go Hannibal! I have to say my sweet husband bought my last two fantastic lenses and I couldn't be happier! When I think about these lenses, I know it's just the photographer (me) that has to be proven!! It's such a good feeling to have a picture come out the way you invisioned it should...Canon works for me!
    Have fun fun fun!!!

  8. What amazing detail, especially the bee on the thistle. Wow! Can't wait for more...Like you only live once. Go for it. Look at the end results. Wow! Wow! Wow!

  9. I think I have lens envey...hehehe these are great! I always get so excited too when I get a new lens.

  10. Hannibal,
    Congratulations on getting that "dream lens"...these TEST shots are quite amazing. The detail on your bee and flower pix right down to the little pieces of spidery web are really nice! I can see why you wanted this set up..can't wait to see what you point your lens at next!! Whatever it is..the detail will be awesome!!

  11. Wonderful! I have a question for you: Did it still "auto-focus" with the converter on the camera, or did you have to manually focus it? The photos are fantastic. I'll check back here for your answer to my question. Thanks, Mona.

  12. Way to go.With pictures like that the pain will go away quickly.Hubby says if it gets too heavy let us know what you want for it.LOL

  13. As with anything else the quality of the photos reflect the photographer...mostly. Yes, having top quality hardware helps but the major difference is the person holding the lens. In your case the photos will only get better and better because you are a gifted photographer and having top quality optics will take your photos to the next level.

    CONGRATS - I am GREEEEEEEN with envy!

  14. Congrats on the new arrival. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

  15. Way to go!! Congrats! You are going to have many happy hours with this lens if these pictures are anything to go by. :)

  16. Montanagirl: Yes the lens does autofocus. It is because of the f2.8 that it does autofocus. Most stop autofocusing after f4. Thanks for stopping by!

  17. Congrats on your new lens.Must be so exciting:)The shots are great and looking forward to more and more shots and enjoy your new lens.

  18. Hannibal: Thank you for your answer. I did look the lens up on Amazon, and it said the same things you did. I have thought about the Canon 28-300mm, but it's not as fast as the one you bought. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your photography.

  19. Ah - you did it justice! Beautiful. Enjoy, enjoy, and enjoy! (BTW, lenses are necessities - better than food any day.)

  20. Congrats on the new toy, from the looks of these outstanding images, you will get used to the weight quickly by going out to use it as often as you can. It took a little time for me to get used to the weight of my Sigma but after a while it becomes just an extension of your arm.

  21. The lens may be your dream but I think it is the photographer's talent and you give too much credit to the lens :) Your shots always leave me speechless! The detail in the bee shot is so amazing thank you for telling us to click it for the larger view.
