Thursday, April 23, 2009

I Could Hear Him Singing for Miles

If you catch a Brown Thrasher out in the open, it MUST be singing! I did just that and was amazed at his collection of songs! At first I thought I heard a FOY Catbird, but then I spotted him high in a tree singing his little heart out!


  1. I love the windblown look he is showing too.

    These guys do make some beautiful music. They haven't arrived back yet in my MN garden.

  2. I love your shot of the B. Thrasher. I had one in my yard a few days ago scratching and digging in the leaves. He is a beauty that I rarely see....but love it when I do!

  3. He sings by twos Hannibal!! I had two of these guys outside my apartment window this morning! My last full day here, whooopppeeeee!!!

  4. Considering his size one can expect his song to be loud :-)
    A wonderful shot, congrats!

  5. ..and you caught him so well..with his bill open and singing..
    love that golden eye..never knew his tail feathers were so long...
    Great shot, Hannibal! I was told they only repeat their calls twice b/f moving onto their next version..unlike the mock who repeats things three or four times. I'm always up for those little bits of much to learn..sigh!

  6. I can almost hear his songs now.These guys are superb singers.

  7. Great photo! I always enjoy listening to them sing and mimic.
