Friday, April 24, 2009

An Afternoon with Woodies!

Even though the lighting wasn't right, my shutter speed wasn't right, and these pictures show the lack of both, I had a great time yesterday, spending some observation time with some woodies. You don't get that chance every day, especially in a car on the side of the road, as they avoid most intrusions, but this couple, even though, very hesitant, reluctantly dabbled along this fluddle, keeping an eye on the big gray monster. If only everything was perfect, but that almost never happens does it...

She is not as drab as one might think!


  1. Once again, an awesome set of shots! My buddy just emailed me some warbler photos, so I'm headin out!

  2. They are a beautiful couple. I think one of the prettiest ducks, but then I may be a little prejudice since they nest in my trees each year. Your photos are wonderful, I especially like the reflection shots.

  3. beautiul ducks. Some of them arrive sometime in ICeland. Wonderful pictures.

  4. Gorgeous ducks. I can never get close though

  5. Can you hear my sighing enviously over here Hannibal???? BEAUTIFUL!!!
    P.S. I saw my first wood ducks this weekend! I don't dare post my horid photos - they were too far away. Maybe next time.

  6. Hannibal,
    Any shot of a wood duck is a great shot, as far as I am concerned. I LOVE your captures of her..I don't think I have seen pictures of the female, close up before...and you are so correct she has her own flair about her..that eye makeup for one..and then those greenish/brown patterned feathers on her back..along with the patches of blue..nice. I always thought she had to be the one duck who could say I have the most handsome husband but now I think he probably does some bragging too! :)
