Monday, April 27, 2009

Warbler Weekend! Woo-Hoo!

It was the weekend I have been waiting for...

This posts photos were all taken in one spot. It was an amazing weekend with the birds coming to me for once. I stayed for hours each day, giving way for new-to-me species every day!

Great-crested Flycatcher-First ever!

Yellow-rumped Warbler-There had to be hundreds...

Hooded Warbler-First ever!

Palm Warbler- Notice the pavement. There were a flock of Palms and Yellow-rumps all over the road at my secret location.

Yellow-throated Warbler-First ever!

Louisiana Waterthrush-First ever!

Female Yellow-rumped Warbler

Black and White Warbler

Gray Catbird-FOY

Snapping Turtle-Just plain cool!

Another warbler I did not include in this post is the Prothonotary Warbler which was a complete thrill! I have so many photos that I am proud of, that I am saving it for tomorrow's post.

Birds I saw, but did not photo: Balt. Oriole, Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks, Indigo Bunting, Kinglet.


  1. Hannibal I can't believe the variety you caught and your shots are wonderful. Wouldn't it be great if everyday could be like this.

  2. Wow, if I lived closer I would be stalking you and your secret location, LOL.

    What a beautiful variety and so many of these would have been lifers for me as well. Loved the photos and looking forward to seeing what you show us tomorrow.

  3. That was some birding day you had. They should be up to me in a few days. Most of them I've never seen, so hoping for some new ones myself.

  4. What an amazing series of pictures.Some of these birds are very new for me as well.

  5. This must be an AMAZING place! All that bird variety!! Love these photos! That snapping turtle looked like he was waving everyone away from him!

  6. WOW! awesome day in the field, What a list of lifer's and FOY's , I going to be following you!

  7. Woow, tell me where is your secret plave ;-)
    This is truly amazing to see that much! And you even got plenty of beautiful shots.... And, you got to see many of them for the first time. I guess this has been a really enjoyable day for you! Thanks for sharing this moment with us!

  8. How did you find these warblers without any twigs in front of them?

  9. Congrats on the first-ever's. Great pix of the Woodie's in the previous post.

  10. How FUN is THIS!!! Whoo hooo!!! Great photos!
