Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Female Bluebird

A close encounter with a female Bluebird.

I never did see the male, but appreciated her beauty just the same...


  1. Yes she is very cute!!! Excellent capture. I prefer the first one cause there are no branches in front of her, it is better, and she is also looking in your direction which gives a certain dynamic to the shot!

  2. They are just the most beautiful birds Hannibal. I'm hoping to see some at my new house...just can't wait to get there.

  3. She is beautiful Hannibal! Her eyes look sharp!

  4. Wonderful pictures. I'm a big fan of the particular way you shot this bird. Just enough of the natural vegitation and washed out background. The male is probably out earning his living.

  5. I like the first pose the best...looks like she is saying "look at me" Bluebirds are so friendly and pretty.

  6. Fantastic pictures.You must have been really close.

  7. What wonderful close up photos...she is a beauty.

  8. Hannibal these are beautiful shots and I'm with the rest of the bloggers on number one. I love the bluebirds and can't wait to see this years babies.

  9. She's beautiful! She's much more colorful than the female cardinal. I don't see as many bluebirds as I used to around my neck of the woods. I do have a cardinal couple living in my bushes, so I see them everyday.
