Monday, April 20, 2009

Oh, Poo Poo on Me!

I happened across this leucistic Red-tailed Hawk on Saturday, whom I've shot many times and just can't seem to pass by, especially when he is perched pretty close.

So I am firing away, when all of a sudden, he seemed to be wanting to tell me something as he lifts his tail and ...

Well you get the picture, he didn't want his picture taken anymore, so he sent me a farewell gift and flew off! It was quite rude...but very funny!


  1. Well, sometime it looks like we also have to ask permission to mother nature before taking pictures!! :-) He probably believe you were a paparazzi, and at least he made us laugh a lot. he was still nice enough to give you this one first shot!!

  2. I think YOU got the picture Hannibal!!

  3. That was good for a laugh.I'm sure you got the message.

  4. I love your updates on this hawk and I never grow tired of him, so keep 'em coming!

    Craig Glenn

  5. I've never seen a white hawk and these photos are spectacular especially the last one. As long as the poo doesn't hit your lens I think you're!

  6. Oh Poo!! That was great and I love the way you got it in the picture....

  7. I don't know what was more amazing - his white feathers or his ability to poop like that! LOL!! Great shots!!

  8. Don't take it personally, it happens to the best of us! I've even gotten hit by humming birds!

  9. Wow lucky you. Congratulations. Great shots ! :-)
