Friday, March 13, 2009

Killdeer Couple

Finally getting close enough shots of killdeer, I was happy to shoot a pair on the roadside. They protected eachother from me by trying to distract me from the other. Aww! How sweet! I found this an interesting shot, for comparison purposes. I don't know if these are different sexes (I would think so), as books say the sexes are similar.

I tried for a good reflection shot, but the plovers were uncooperative. I settled for this one.


  1. I think you did a great job Hannibal and I have a soft place in my heart for Killdeer.

  2. They are beautiful Hannibal!! Even the landscape you captured them in looks great in the photos.

  3. Yep! pairing up for Spring...that's what the birds do. These two look like a 'pair' to me..Great shots Hannibal! I love their light/dark contrasting stripes..

  4. In just a few months, they will be running around with the little guys! Beautiful shots Hannibal

  5. I can't wait for them to arrive after seeing them here and over at birdgirl's blog. Your photos are beautiful as usual. I just love how the eye stands out in the second photo.

  6. Hannibal,
    I really like your 'couple' shot..they are such striking birds with their ringlets collars and those flashy streaks of white over their eyes! I saw my first killdeer last fall..and as you stated they are very diff. to get close did a great usual! :)

  7. Good to see the Killdeers are back up your way. Should be seeing ours in a few weeks.
    Great shots my friend :-)
