Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Few Juvies Hanging Out

Although the temperatures are warming, a few juvy bald eagles can still be found...

Approaching these massive raptors too close will spook them every time.

Sometimes my excitement puts me too close in proximity for their comfort. I hate when I do that!

I would like to think that respecting nature means to get in and get out without disturbing the animal when photographing or observing. I try to follow that as a rule, but sometimes I cross that line unknowingly. Sorry eagles!


  1. With the 'eagle eye' I don't see how anyone could get in and get out without them seeing you. I'm glad you get in though, then we can get to see them too!

  2. You got some excellent shots Hannibal! I would've tried to get closer too - it's just natural to want to see our birds a little closer!

  3. They will be fine I'm sure!! Great shots.
