Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It's Getting Alittle Exciting Out There!

I'm seeing new migrants every day now:

Red-breasted Nuthatch!

American White Pelicans!

Tree Swallow!

And even Painted turtles!

Sorry for the short post, sometimes work gets in the way of fun!


  1. hannibal,
    I couldn't agree more that this time of year makes me want to head out each day...there are so many new arrivals to my area and with the nicer weather more creatures are out and about!! Beautiful shot of those white pelicans!! and that tree swallow's colors..oh my, that painted turtle pic is an extremely nice capture!!
    This was a great post!!

  2. Another great post Hannibal. Loved the Pelicans, I never see those here, and the turtle was a delight!! Keep going out so we can reap the benefits of your lens!!

  3. Great post Hannibal. Were you in the water with that turtle? lol Nice close up. I do envy your camera equiptment! And your talent!


  4. Great group of photos. The warming spring air is revitalizing the life around us. Every day brings more photo opportunities. I love the pelicans, awesome lighting and composition!

  5. I love all the new visitors! That painted turtle looked like he was swimming his hardest!! Great shots!

  6. These are great Hannibal! I'm seeing new birds each day too...just don't get pictures of them all.

  7. Hmm, my tree swallows only arrive the end of the month and they are usually the first ones here - lucky you! The weather is so nice at the moment that my concentration span is 0.

  8. You may have thought this a short post but as they say a picture is worth a thousand words and these photos are screaming SPRING IS HERE to stay!!! I look forward each day to trying to spot migrants and signs of spring. So far, we have geese flying northward but none of these beauties you have shared.

    Happy Spring!

  9. ...first time to your site! You have a really nice blog. Love those pelicans...and the turtle...and the nuthatch...and the swallow....all of them!

  10. That's actually a red-eared slider. Awesome shot.
