Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I Ain't Fraid a No Snakes!

Walking through the woods in an attempt to sneak up on some wood ducks, not even gentle gliding footsteps could mask the crunch of the pathway, flushing the woodies pretty quickly. Checking my surroundings, spying a place to hide and wait for their return, I find a place to suit my needs. With the ground saturated, I had to be higher than I wanted and sat on the moist ground atop of leaves and waited behind some trees. There wasn't much to see but swamp, so checking my images and manipulating my settings kept me busy. Passing the time focusing on adjustments, my ears perk to a slight rustling sound nearby. I scan the immediate area looking for a squirrel or a bird, find nothing and go back to my adjustments. Then, it occurs to me: I didn't check for snakes. Scanning again, I find the source of the disturbance. It was coming directly at me from about 4 feet away. I quickly displayed plenty of my own movement to prevent him from coming any closer. He freezes and tests the air with his tongue. Cool! I try to focus on him but he is too close for my telephoto. He decides I am bigger than him and yields to my territory, heading straight for the water. He picks a spot at the waters edge about 10 feet from me. Time passes without wood ducks returning, so I decide I need a close up of the snake, since I have nothing better to do. I want a head on shot so I have to get up and move. As I do this, I almost step on another larger snake. Jeez, these guys are really testing my fear/no fear. I don't know exactly how long I was vulnerable to these guys, but the not knowing, then knowing can really freak you out. Next time, I am bringing a chair!


  1. *As I'm running away screaming and freaking out" - I yell "nice photos Hannibal!"

  2. Great photos! Based on the shape of their eyes, I don't think these guys are poisonous. Then again, I'm no snake expert.

    When I was a teenager, a friend of mine had a pet python. Her mom wouldn't let her leave the snake in the house when she wasn't home, so I was the designated snake sitter. I've never really had a fear of snakes, lizards, frogs, etc. However, spiders are an entirely different story. LOL

  3. Well same as shelley, I cannot stand snakes, so I would have run and shouted. But you did well and your ppictures are fantastics.

  4. I don't know much about snakes but it seems kind of early in the season to see one.

  5. They certainly gave you some great poses so how could you possibly grumble O fearless leader!

  6. Very least it is when someone else is doing the shoot!

  7. Great stuff, especially that one with the tongue flicking out. Snakes are cool.

  8. I loved the pictures especially the first one. Gulp soon as it opened..but they are so crisp and clear and even a little funny considering I wasn't the one taking them... Thanks Hannibal for a surprise and a rush!!

  9. I love a good snake Hannibal!! I found myself in the midst of a huge colony of Garters once...I do like snakes...but there comes a time when too many is too many.
    Fantastic shots!!!

  10. Looks like a garter snake - cool shots. I LOVE snakes and I've tried to attract them to my garden which has worked pretty well. I get Garter snakes and Corn snakes on a pretty regular basis - last Fall they even did the wild thing in my garden

    BTW, there is also a photo of me holding a Corn snake on my blog...only issue is that I have my photoshopped owl mask on - enuff said!

    Cool post - enjoy the snakes!

  11. I'd rather see birds,but those are great shots of the snake.Glad you were able to take them intead of me.:)

  12. Awesome captures. The 3rd one is just a stunner...Thomas

  13. I get the "willy's" just looking at these. You may not be afraid, but I am...the only time my DH sees me run :-)

    Awesome photos!

  14. Nice find on the garter snake. I have yet to find one this year.
