Monday, February 2, 2009

Weird Combination

After too many attempts over a matter of months, I have finally found a Snowy Owl. Reports over the birding hotlines have given locations to 4 separate sitings, but with each attempt to locate the snowy, I would come up empty. It's been a frustrating venture with each disappointment, nevermind the gas spent with each trip, but alas my bloggy buddies, I have finally brought home the goods:

I drove to this area, which is a windfarm under construction, seeing nothing, and then a U.F.W.T. (Unidentified Flying White Thing) sailed low to the ground past my windshield. O.M.G! I gasped in glee and waited for him to land closer rather than farther. Why they choose the land that they do is puzzling. The turbines blanket miles of this landscape with hundreds more under construction. It's such a weird combination. Anyway, he lands a few hundred feet away.

He inspects my car for threat and smiles for the camera.

Then he makes this "happy face"...

Then he yawns...

He must be REALLY tired...

Well, maybe the yawn was stress, because he suddenly flew off...

He checks to see if I am following him.

Nope, but I am still here taking his picture.

What a beautiful bird, and worth the wait.


  1. The photo that looks as if its smiling made me laugh out loud it's so cute!!!

    Awesome photos!

  2. Patience paid off.Great shots,inspite of the background.The wind farms can be quite impressive as well.

  3. You get the coolest shots. I was sharing your blog over the weekend! Everybody I show it too loves your work!


  4. Great pictures. Now that you saw one I can quit holding back...:-)

  5. You lucky girl!! You got him flying. I would have given anything if ours would have flown when we were taking pictures. So glad you kept looking and it paid off BIG time!

  6. Hannibal - the photo of the happy face is my favorite! I truly believe he is happy! Such a beautiful owl. I still have not seen one.... but hope to!

  7. I agree he was worth the wait! Just gorgeous shots, I love the in flight ones to see his beautiful wing span. I'm a teeny bit jealous!
