Friday, January 30, 2009

Red Tail Takeoff

How many times have you drove past hawks that were perched just off the road and you stop just in time for them to fly off and miss the shot? Me too...Sometimes though, you get just enough time to fire off a few frames.


  1. Even your take off shots are wonderful! I love seeing the underside of their feathers!

  2. Even your "few" frames are fantastic. Agreeing with Shelley, seeing the underside of their wings is very nice..a view I never seem to capture!! The next to last pic is my favorite. Wow!!

  3. These are so beautiful Hannibal...I can barely fingers are frozen from shoveling more snow!!!! AGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!

  4. I have a fascination with flight shots and the detail in these pictures is INCREDIBLE. I love watching the tail movement in some of the shots and the way the wings move around. Well done, these are fantastic.

  5. Great Shots!! I love the 3rd picture with the red tail and outstretched wings.

  6. These are stunning and I love the underside of the bird, I never realized they were almost white.

  7. Amazing! What wonderful shots and it is such a joy for me to come here and see what you have posted each day.
