Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Fish Fight!

Another highlight of the weekend, I went to Starved Rock to shoot some more eagles. Well, I have plenty of eagle shots to post about in the coming days, but a highlight was when I focused on this seagull. It was in the lock part of the lock and dam. A barge had just passed through the lock, leaving large chunks of ice in it's wake. The seagull was focused on something...

I didn't know what he was looking at until...

...he caught a fish. Wow, I thought it was a great catch, but isn't it just a tad too big? As I think this thought all mayhem breaks loose.

A little discussion about property ensues...

Then another fair weather friend shows up...

He gives the new guy the "what's what"...

and the "who's who"...

and the "get the 'BLEEP' outta here!"

and then things get ugly, as the intruder turns around after getting cussed at and lets him have the "what's what"!

...and the "who's who"...


Well, the next part of the story is blurry but I will try to recreate it:

The seagull left without the fish.

I wondered why?

I focused on some other seagulls.

Then something caught my eye.


Why didn't I see him coming?

Why didn't I look up for just a second earlier?

An eagle came in the lock and swooped (missed) for the fish on the ice.

It was just a few yards away.

I didn't see him until he was in front of me.

I reacted as quickly as I could.

The background is the lock wall.

He is flying below me.

Another notch for the "I can't believe I missed it" shots tally.

Oh well, I like to believe that my luck was spent on finding the snowy. (Which didn't happen until a few hours later.)


  1. I have chills down my spine looking at those eagle photos! Such magnificen creatures!

    I love the segaull photos too and that you were able to capture that scene.

  2. Wow! A spectacular post.The narrative is so funny.TO see an Eagle so close must be an awesome experience.

  3. I was there with you the whole way...couldn't wait for the next picture to come up and read about it!! Wow! And then the LIFESIZE shot of the Eagle coming into view was fantastic. You must have been so excited even if you missed some of it!! Wow!!!! Thanks Hannibal...I loved each and every photo and all the narrative

  4. Hannibal - I love your birdy stories - combined w/ your photos - it is such a treat! I am laughing still over the seagulls giving each other a "what, what".

  5. What a wonderful photo story! You do see the most amazing things and I am so happy that I have the joy to come here and see what you have posted each day. (I've said this before, but it is true!) The eagle shots are so magnificent!

  6. Absolutely great pictures. Doesn't look like you missed the eagle to me. I probably would have been so surprised I would have just watched him.

  7. This was a cliffhanger all right and I kept imaging that the fish was getting closer and closer to the water.....ker-plunk!!!!!

    Amazing seagull photos!

  8. The rest of the story? There wasn't one. I watched the fish on the ice float away, hoping the eagle would take another swoop at it, but no. I eventually forgot about it and it disappeared down the river.

  9. I'm speechless. I just read your last two posts. Unbelievable pictures..and you caught such wonderful visuals of your story..truly amazing!!
