Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Kids Will Be Kids!

I have lots of scenic eagle pictures to share, but first I would like to share some eagle behavior. I spied an eagle in the river. I found it odd, because I didn't think they would do that. I have never seen this before, so I thought it might be injured. It wasn't. A few minutes later, it's mate joined in the swim.

Do eagles swim? I didn't know, and wondered about it while watching...

They must enjoy it or they wouldn't be out there.

I even thought that my angle was weird, and that they were standing higher than I could see, and then a juvy came in...

It must be a family affair, and dad is giving piggyback rides...

Nope, mom is...

or junior would like to think so...

junior is persistant...

and mom isn't having any of it...

you are picking on the wrong eagle, junior...

seriously, he would not stop picking on her...

when she gets a hold of him, he is going into timeout...

don't think she won't dunk him...

respect is not being shown to his elder...

grounded, definately grounded...

you are going down, lil man...

How does it feel, junior? You liked it? High Five!


  1. Amazing photos! I think all birds like baths so I'm not surprised that eagles like a bath too.

  2. I really enjoyed this photo series..I have only gotten to see one eagle flying at a time..and never taking a bath! Your captures of this parental dispute were stunning...something one might never get to see again!! Wonderful Hannibal!!

  3. What an interesting and fantastic series of pictures these are. I couldn't wait for the next one and see how it would turn out!! I'm surprised by the 'eagle bath' too, for some reason just never thought about it. I'm so glad you shared these events.. Wonderful!! Can't wait for the next reading a good book and turning pages.

  4. Hannibal. these are truely unique shots that you should cherish. Eagles do bath as most raptors do and enjoy it.. and as for swimming. They have been witnessed "swimming" in alaska when they can't fly with the fish clutched in their talons they will paddle to shore with their wings...Pretty cool.. thanks so much for sharing..

  5. Another great photo series/story, I wish I had half your talent with the camera Great post and thank you so much for sharing it.

  6. Hannibal - these are so incredible! You really should share this w/ a birding magazine! Such amazing behavior to witness! You are the eagle godess in my opinion!!
