Friday, February 13, 2009

A Couple of First of Year's

I found this Great Horned Owl on this nest that I have been watching on January 30th. I didn't photograph her til recently because I didn't want the nest to fail because of my intrusion. I waited because last year there was an owl couple that I stopped for, (who wouldn't stop when you saw 2 owls in the nest) and a day later they were gone and never returned. I didn't want that to happen this year, so I waited for well over a week. She is still there so it was worth waiting for.

The first sign of Spring is hearing the Red-winged Blackbirds. I heard/saw/photographed them on February 10th.


  1. I can't wait to see baby owls! Both great photos!

  2. Hi Hannibal,
    I love the second one very much. A beautiful in a beautiful sky....

  3. How much fun is that to know where a great horned nest are a true wait and try and not disturb, tho. hope you get some baby owl shot later..if that is possible!
    Love the red-wing black bird shot..beautiful with that blue sky behind!! Can't wait to see what you find next!!

  4. Glad you got the photo of the owl...can't wait to see more. Spring IS on the way if you saw a RW blackbird already. I've been seeing signs of spring too.

  5. Signs of spring.I like how that sounds,enough of one winter for me.

  6. Oh my goodness that owl in the nest is something I have never seen before. I hope they remain nesting and soon you'll show us owlets!

    What a wonderful shot of the redwing, his redwings are gorgeous! Spring arrives so much earlier for you. Is this normally when they arrive?
