Thursday, February 12, 2009

Canada Geese

I didn't know it at the time, but after reviewing my images, an eagle was captured in the background with these geese.


  1. Wonderful photos. The geese look so graceful in the second picture and the one with an eagle is a sweet surprise.

  2. I love seeing the detail of their wingtips in the second photo. The eagle must be following his lunch! How cool to capture all of them in one shot.

  3. Very beautiful pictures, but hey, you maybe did not notice there was also an eagle in the first one chasing the geese ;-)

  4. That just reinforces the fact one should never delete until looking at pictures on the computer. You just never know what you'll find. How cool to get the eagle in the shot with the geese.

  5. Will a bald eagle attack a Canada?
