Saturday, February 14, 2009

Something Different

I don't normally shoot this type of image, but the rushing water inspired me. I slowed the shutter way down (10) and attempted to handhold this shot using my 100-400mm lens. It was all I had with me so why not try? I didn't expect it to come out sharp at all, but I surprised myself. I liked the ice nugget in the water.


  1. An absolutely gorgeous cascade with vivid textures and three-dimensional sense of motion. Almost feels like I'm watching a movie.

  2. That is definitely a "WOW" picture. You need to do this type of pictures more often.

  3. Great picture. Did you have to stand in the middle of the river to get that shot? Not your usual fare, but an outstanding picture.

  4. An interesting capture especially when you enlarge it! I don't think I would have seen the ice right away if you hadn't mentioned it...pretty cool , tho...I am impressed you were able to get this photo at 10!!! I would have definitely had a very blurry photo!!
    I do love the subject matter tho..soooo much movement in this pic. Great!

  5. Beautiful,creative shot.

  6. Spectacular! It sure beats the blur one usually gets on moving water. I really enjoyed the white red tail also

  7. I loved everything about this photo... You did great! Beautiful!

  8. I'm glad you mentioned the ice nugget - beautiful photo - I would love to hear the sound of the running water!

  9. What a beautiful shot! Everything you shoot just amazes me.

  10. Wow! That is a very nice photo! And I am even more impressed considering that you did not use a tripod at such a low shutter speed.
