Monday, January 5, 2009

A Trip to the Mighty Mississippi

Deciding what to do over the weekend resulted in a trip to the border. The state of Illinois' west ridge boundary stops at the Mississippi River. A great avenue for bald eagles, the trip took 3 hours to make.

Any chicagoland birder can tell you Locks 13 and 14 will produce hundreds of eagles, numbers peaking in January and February. I counted 99 in this image.

The sky was perfect! The temperature was not!

Our first stop was lock 14 where, believe it or not, the parking lot provides the closest views. This shot proves the theory.

It was a great day and well worth the trip, although I couldn't get home fast enough, it was a long thaw getting home.


  1. That is just awesome! I'm so glad you went!

  2. There are few words to describe this.Awesome!Your pictures are so-o-o beautiful.

  3. Wow..I had no idea all those Eagles would congregate together like that..
    I have allot to learn for sure.
    thanks for you nice blog..i am enjoying it!

  4. This was a remarkable post, Hannibal! I know you have seen a great number of eagles before..but 99+ is amazing.. I was so excited at seeing two last summer. Sooo glad you made the trip! Thanks!

  5. You know, we often have good sightings in parking lots - We saw a gallery a few months ago from a photographer who makes all his shots from parking lots - and he, like you, had some wonderful images.

  6. These shots are just so wonderful! I just couldn't imagine being there and looking across the river and seeing 99 bald eagles. I clicked the photo bigger and was so thrilled to see them look like they are growing on trees like apples! I just love visiting here.

  7. Awesome! Can't even imagine seeing that many Eagles at one time. I love the close up in the tree with the mouth open! You get the most wonderful pictures Hannibal. I'm so glad you endured the cold...

  8. Exhilarating and beautiful photos! I love the one where it looks like the eagle is flying up towards the sky like a jet.

  9. We get many eagles on our rivers here in WA....not sure if they've ever counted 99+ in one location!! Amazing!!

  10. Looks like a wonderful place to visit... thanks for sharing

  11. Wowzer...99 plus and I seldom see even one and I LOVE your new heador!

  12. I am not a birder - but can certainly understand that you can get hooked. WOW, beautiful.....

  13. wonderful shots of the Baldie my friend :-)
    Love that close up of the youngster.
