Monday, January 19, 2009

It's Not Much to Report, But it's Something...

Yeah, I know, another eagle. But...This one is special. I didn't go to Iowa for this one, it was a local. We do have locals around, about a handful, but to find this one in such a strange location makes it a good find.

Perching on a dead tree, which was kinda pleasing to the eye, under a clear blue sky, off the beaten path, among the snow covered corn fields, the bald eagle was a treat to capture digitally. He let me approach pretty close, but yet, not too close. I think we all know where bird boundaries are, so I kept a slight distance for comfort.

And Fred, if you are reading, he was on your road near the natural gas pipe area.


  1. Awesome Hannibal,

    You really captured his eye and I love the dead tree effect.


  2. I love how beautiful and vibrant he looks in this "dead" tree. Quite a contrast! Eagles are always exciting to see - I would never tire of these photos!

  3. He looks a little chilly to me. Awesome capture, always good to find a bird like this outta place.

  4. I LOVE eagle pictures..and I'm thrilled you found this one!! Such a nice composition..and that blue sky really makes him pop! How exciting..ahhmm much better than my starlings!! lol

  5. Oh, he's wonderful! And the blue sky is perfect.

  6. It may be another Eagle,but it is another beautiful shot.

  7. We've been seeing them for about a month...Pretty cool. Also, the studmuffin survives as he was seen Saturday.
