Friday, January 2, 2009

Kestral Hunting

Walking a path lead me to a Kestral perched at the top of a sapling. I froze and lifted my lens. Of course it flew, but what I didn't expect was for it to rise up and flutter over some unlucky rodent. It was pretty cool to be so close and watch.

She never did snatch her prey, but the show lasted for at least a minute or so, before she selected a new area to hover over.

It was the coolest thing to happen to me so far this year!


  1. Beautiful..
    I always wondered how to shoot birds so clear when they fly..

  2. Lovely hovering shots :-) Happy New Year to you !

  3. Such wonderful birds appear before your lens! These are such great detailed shots..I almost feel like I was there, watching...of course, I wish I kind of was..haven't had the priv of seeing a kestral yet!! Nice post.

  4. Such a magnifient flight you captured! Loved seeing the detail on the wings!

  5. And the hits just keep on coming.....

  6. What awesome shots you got!! I love to see Kestrels in flight and hoovering. You caught this one in perfect form. The last shot is my favorite with the wings outstretched.

  7. Hannibal...I have a picture to show you. Please email me thru my blog.

  8. Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful bird and I'm looking forward to many more in the new year.

  9. How very exciting..You have some wonderful shot here!
    Happy new year to you!

  10. Nice! The best shots are when they are hovering.

  11. What a beautiful, elegant bird. I can't imagine how exhilarating that would be in person to catch with my camera!
