Monday, January 26, 2009

Amazing Camouflage

What you can't see in these photos was the perspective I had while driving through the woods, looking for 2 things: The Pileated Woodpecker and the Barred Owl, in which both have been spotted here before. The P.W. was captured digitally a few months ago, but the Barred has eluded me forever. I once seen him fly deep into the woods, after unknowingly spooking him while chatting with a guy (your Dad, Fred) in another vehicle. I have even heard an eerie call once or twice, which I attributed to the barred, but could not locate him. Anyway, I'm driving along, minding my own business, when I see what I think is a paperwasp nest hanging in a tree. I thought it odd that I haven't seen it before, because I drive through these woods most every day. It was about 30 yards in and finding an unobstructed view for the lens at first, was frustrating. I almost gave up, because who really cares about a wasp nest, but I pressed on. At last, I found a hole through the limbs to look through. I grab the lens & see the distinctive brown and white feathers of the barred. Woohoo! Not only did I find an owl, but I found a better vantage point and the sun was at a great angle with shadows. What a great day!


  1. Great capture and you didn't even disturb him/her.

  2. he is just beautiful! So glad you found him! I need your sleuthing skills!! Can you come to Michigan so we can try to find the snowy owl? :-)

  3. Unbelievable!!! Holy Owl!!
    These are the best pictures..I oohed and awwed with you when I saw the close up.. Mother nature at her best with all those blending colors..thank goodness you were persistent to seek out that paper nest!!

  4. Beautiful shots.Persistence paid off.

  5. That is so fantastic Hannibal..and it sometimes pays to look twice!

  6. A great day indeed for you and US!! He's beautiful. I loved seeing him there with his eyes open!! I'm glad you pressed on and got the picture.

  7. I'm a little bit jealous! How beautiful these photos are! I so enjoy coming over to your blog and seeing what wonderful thing you have captured with the camera. Great post and beautiful owl!
