Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Terrible Day for a Dove

O.K., so the photos kinda suck, but the capture was cool! A male Northern Harrior was lunching on what I think might be a Mourning Dove. The pink/red feet and feather coloring seems to point in that direction. I didn't see the kill, but passed the harrior on my way home. I turned around, because I've never seen a harrior so close to the road with kill, and I was interested in what he was actually eating. He didn't stay long. I never did get stable with the car moving/camera shooting, so I am lucky I have what I have. Click on the last photo for better detail of the kill and see what you think the bird might be.


  1. Definitely a neat capture...and if you're like me..a bitter/sweet feeling to go with it! Good eye to have spotted him. I have been told that cooper's and sharp-shinned keep and eat their kill while on the ground..is that true of the harrior also..or of all hawks?

  2. "Wild Kingdom" huh? I always used to cry at that show - why can't everything just be vegetarians?

  3. I think the shots are good.It is great to see and capture nature in action,whether we like what we see or not.

  4. Amazing.. It's is always so exciting to witness a 'catch' like that and twice as sweet to get the photograph. Great job Hannibal. Don't you ever wonder why you don't crash your car? It's a dangerous hobby! haha

  5. I LOVE your action photos!
    Now what's for dinner????!!


  6. Great capture! So exciting to see this part of nature, even if it was at the expense of the poor dove.

  7. Oh yes that looks live a mourning dove to me! I've seen this same scene before Hannibal. I think the shots are great!

  8. yikes ...bad day for the dove for sure..
